International Skeptics Day: A Revocable Living Trust is Not….

In celebration of International Skeptics Day, I will walk through what a Revocable Living Trust is not: A Revocable Living Trust is Not an Irrevocable Trust

The term "revocable" means that something is capable of being canceled, altered, &/or revoked.  When someone creates a revocable living trust, let's refer to them as the "creator,"...

International Skeptics Day: A Revocable Living Trust is Not…. Continue reading…

Selecting Back-Up Parents —

A Walk-Through on Selecting Back-Up Parents, i.e., Guardians for Minor Children

Selecting “back-up” parents (“Guardians”) for your children is one of the most difficult, but important decisions you will make as a parent. While difficult, it should not be delayed. By making the decision now and implementing the necessary legal framework, you...

Selecting Back-Up Parents — Continue reading…