The Drawbacks of Digital Wills
In the wake of COVID-19, our country and the world have seen many changes. The world of estate planning has seen changes as well. Estate planning law firms saw an uptick of people wanting to get their legacies in order as they faced the uncertainty of the pandemic. And while more proactive...
What are the Benefits of Preparing a Will?
When is it right time to create a will? In most cases, the answer is now. As long as you are an independent adult with accumulated assets, getting in touch with a trustworthy estate planning attorney is not just a smart move; it’s an essential one. If you live in the state...
Have You Made Your Memorial Plans?
Discussing your memorial wishes is one of the more difficult aspects of estate planning. We find that it is often a part of a client’s estate planning that gets pushed aside to be discussed later. Loved ones just don’t want...
A New Year’s Resolution: Your Estate Plan
Estate Planning 101 | A Terminology Guide
This guide is intended to define certain terminology and explain structural concepts within an estate plan that may pop up during your own research or when talking with your estate planning attorney.
Probate and Last Will and TestamentIt is a common misconception of many...
International Skeptics Day: A Revocable Living Trust is Not….
The term "revocable" means that something is capable of being canceled, altered, &/or revoked. When someone creates a revocable living trust, let's refer to them as the "creator,"...