Attorney working on a living will for his client

Understanding living wills is essential for ensuring your healthcare preferences are respected, especially in uncertain times. In Wisconsin, creating a living will empowers you to make clear decisions about your medical care if you’re unable to communicate them yourself. At Borakove Osman LLC, our team is dedicated to helping you draft a living will that reflects your wishes, offering peace of mind for you and your loved ones.

What is a Living Will?

A living will is a legal document that outlines your preferences for medical treatment in situations where you are unable to communicate your wishes. Unlike a last will and testament, which deals with the distribution of your assets after death, a living will focuses on your healthcare choices during your lifetime. It comes into play if you face severe medical conditions, like a terminal illness or a permanent unconscious state. In this document, you can specify your desires regarding life-sustaining treatments, including resuscitation, mechanical ventilation, and artificial nutrition and hydration. By having a living will, you ensure that your healthcare decisions are respected and relieve your family from making these tough choices on your behalf. It’s a proactive step in managing your health care and upholding your autonomy in critical medical situations.

Why You Need a Living Will in Wisconsin

In Wisconsin, living wills safeguard your personal health care decisions. Imagine a scenario where you’re unable to communicate due to a medical condition. Without a living will, your loved ones and healthcare providers might be uncertain about your treatment preferences. This can lead to emotional stress and potential conflicts among family members who may have different opinions about your care. A living will clarifies your wishes, ensuring your healthcare choices are honored and reducing ambiguity in critical moments.

What If You Change Your Mind?

You can change your mind about the contents of your living will at any time. You have the right to revoke or amend the document at any time if it no longer reflects your wishes. To revoke, you can either create a new living will or provide a written statement of revocation. For amendments, a revised document should be drafted, following the same legal formalities as the original. It’s crucial to communicate any changes to your family, healthcare providers, and anyone else who was aware of the original document to avoid any confusion in the future.

The Legal Requirements for a Living Will in Wisconsin

In Wisconsin, specific legal requirements must be met for a living will to be valid and enforceable. First, the individual creating the living will, known as the declarant, must be at least 18 years old and of sound mind at the time of drafting. The document needs to be in writing and clearly state the declarant’s wishes regarding life-sustaining treatments in the event of a terminal illness or permanent unconsciousness.

The living will must be signed by the declarant in the presence of two witnesses. These witnesses must be adults who are not related to the declarant by blood, marriage, or adoption, and they cannot be beneficiaries of the declarant’s estate. They cannot be a healthcare provider caring for you at the time of the signing or an employee of the provider. They also should not be directly responsible for the declarant’s healthcare costs.

How We Can Help You Create Your Living Will

At Borakove Osman LLC, we understand the sensitivity and significance of creating a living will. Our approach is centered around providing you with comprehensive support tailored to your unique needs. We begin by discussing your healthcare preferences in depth, ensuring your wishes are clearly understood. Our experienced attorneys then draft a living will that accurately reflects these choices, adhering to all legal requirements in Wisconsin. We also provide clear explanations of legal terms and procedures, ensuring you’re fully informed throughout the process. Our goal is to ensure that your living will is not just legally sound but also a true representation of your wishes.

Steps to Take After Creating Your Living Will

After creating your living will, there are several important steps to ensure it serves its intended purpose. First, inform key individuals about the existence of your living will. This includes family members, close friends, and especially those who may be involved in your health care decisions. They should understand your wishes and know where to find the document in an emergency.

Next, provide copies of your living will to your primary healthcare providers. They can include this in your medical records, ensuring easy access if it’s ever needed. It’s also advisable to keep a copy in a safe but accessible place at home.

Regularly review and update your living will as your circumstances or preferences change. Life events such as marriage, divorce, the birth of a child, or a significant change in health can affect your decisions. Keeping your living will current ensures that it always reflects your most recent wishes.

Contact Our Experienced Madison & Dane County Living Will Attorneys

At Borakove Osman LLC, we’re committed to ensuring your living will reflect your true intentions concerning your health care. Our experienced team is here to guide you through each step with personalized attention. Don’t hesitate to contact us for dedicated assistance securing your peace of mind and future health care wishes.

Borakove Osman, LLC is your trusted partner for living wills in Wisconsin. Serving all of Wisconsin, including Madison and Dane County, we are dedicated to providing high-quality legal advice and representation to help you secure your family’s future.