
We are honored to have worked with so many unbelievable families this year in protecting and preserving their nest eggs for the next generation.  Have a wonderful EASTER weekend from the law firm of Borakove Osman LLC!

Buy-Sell Agreements: 2 Strategies

BUY-SELL AGREEMENT MECHANICS Stock Redemption vs. Cross Purchase  Stock Redemption Buy-Sell Agreement              Under a redemption arrangement, your Company agrees to redeem the shares/interest of a deceased owner at his death, and the owner agrees prior to death that his estate will transfer the shares back to the Company for an agreed-upon price....
Buy-Sell Agreements: 2 Strategies Continue reading…

Freedom & Estate Planning

This 4th of July, we are reminded about something very important to all of us – Freedom. As we spend time with our family and friends this weekend celebrating our freedoms, keep in mind that estate planning is all about freedom – the freedom to direct healthcare decision making, the freedom to control the...
Freedom & Estate Planning Continue reading…

Tax Window Closing 2012

Certain irrevocable trusts are great this year for those concerned with the potentional lost tax/estate/asset protection planning opportunities closing at the end of 2012.